Three Rookie Negotiation Mistakes to Avoid

At some point during your sales career, you will be responsible for negotiating an important project or contract where you will feel an enormous amount of pressure to win the deal.

While it may feel nerve-wracking, negotiation is a natural and important part of the sales process. When the time comes, make sure you avoid these three common sales negotiation mistakes:
  1. Being Inconsistent. Exceptional sales people are consistent in what they say and do. They stick to their principles and focus on doing what is best for the client and their company. This reliability creates trust and respect from buyers. Unpredictable sales people are more difficult to buy from.

  2. Being Selfish or Weak. Successful negotiations are a two-way street where both parties benefit. Most buyers expect a natural process of give and take. Do not take advantage of your client and always ask for something of equal value in return for a concession.

  3. Being Unwilling to Walk Away. The biggest mistake we see by junior negotiators is being reluctant to walk away at the right time in a respectful manner. If the deal becomes undesirable, do not take it personally. It is best to move on to greener pastures while keeping the relationship intact. And remember, consistency, mutually beneficial deals, and knowing when to respectfully walk away all require clarity and preparation.

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