To Negotiate Effectively, Spend Your Energy Where It Counts

How well do you know your current and target customers?

Sure, you have a good idea of your major accounts and what revenue they generate. But have you really evaluated where you can get the most bang for your buck? You need to analyze your customers so that you know which types of accounts, projects and buyers are really paying off.

Sales negotiation training experts know exactly which clients are worth the time and effort. They recommend profiling your current and potential clients so that you know which ones represent the greatest potential for growth, profit and retention. Segmenting your clients by the criteria that matters most to your strategy allows you to prioritize negotiation items at various levels.

Once you figure out what services, terms and conditions your target customers value most and least (i.e., a dedicated account executive, volume discounts, expedited delivery, payment terms), you can better equip your negotiation teams to agree to terms that align with your sales strategy and business model.

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