2 Wise Negotiation Moves to Make When Your Customer Objects

Rarely do you conclude a sales negotiation without the customer objecting at some point. But if you know how to handle the objections skillfully, there will be little delay in moving the sale forward.

Here are two tips from sales negotiation training experts on what to do when the customer objects. Both rely on reframing the customer’s concerns…
  1. Broaden their perspective.  Some clients get so bogged down in the details of the solution that they lose sight of the big picture. It is up to you to re-focus their vision so they recognize the overall value of what you propose and understand the cost of not following your advice. Get them to think long- rather than short-term.
  2. Try using an analogy.  If your customer is balking at price, try to point out the other factors that should govern their “buy” decision. If they were to choose a doctor for instance, would their main criterion be price? They would far more likely look at the doctor’s experience, reputation, and credentials. The same factors should influence their decision now.

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