How to More Effectively Get What You Want

Sales negotiations are about getting what you want in a way that makes sense for both parties.

In the past, executive-level client relationships used to help cut through the morass to close deals with their subordinates.  With very few organizations being run in the old-fashioned hierarchical mode however, we can no longer always rely on directives from the top to get what we want from buyers or influencers.

Instead, we must rely on the critical persuasion skills taught in proven sales negotiation training programs. Here are some tips on being effective in getting what you want:
·         Rely not just on the power of one. Ask for commitment in front of others. If you need help with a clear next step in the buying process, seek it in a meeting where the commitment is acknowledged publicly.

·         Be generous with your own insights, time and resources. Your prospects are much more likely to give back to you if they have benefited from your generosity and authentic desire to add value in the past.

·         Use your influence to win over decision makers. If you have information that will help their cause, share it with them frequently. Their sense of obligation and loyalty will help you when you need a favor.

It is not just smooth-talking that can get you what you want during the sales process …the above techniques can serve you well if you are authentic and focused on helping the client to succeed.

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